Thanks a lot for everyone who wished me on my birthday

I must thank everyone who wished me today before starting this article. Thank you dad, mom, sisters, brothers, friends and other relatives...Thanks a lot for your wishes..

I render my sincere thanks to 'FACEBOOK' for making so many friends aware of my birthday. If not facebook, the wishes would have been very very less..Ha Ha..Thank you Mr. Zuckerberg..

Thank you friends of  PariVallal Higher Secondary School, Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Syed Ammal Higher Secondary, PSNA Tech, Integrated Wireless Solutions, NSN, Huawei, ISTTM and other friends of andhra pradesh, karnataka, tamilnadu, penang, kualalumpur, newyork and melbourne(My sincere apologies, if ur place is missed :-) )

My last b'day was a blast. It was an unforgettable day at Nanotel, hyderabad with 40 of my college mates and friends, who made the function even more grandier and exciting. Special thanks to Mr. Ejaz (Our lecturer) who made my day special through my dear friends.

This b'day is much simpler. In my hometown with my parents, friends and relatives. The atmosphere is completely different from that of the last one. However, today is the day which is the most light weighted(with light heart) day for me in the year 2011. Because 2011 has not shown mercy for me and it's been very tough for me throughout the year from the start.

As expected, my sweetheart gave me the first wish by 12 AM and then the phone started ringing for around one hour and stopped. I was completely happy coz I got many calls by surprise(my kg mates called me, love u palsss :-)..). To be frank, i dont even remember their faces(I am sure, they dont remember mine too) but thanks a million for your wishes. Then started with friends of my college, my school and it stopped by 1.30 PM. Love u everyone, for sparing ur sleep and wishing me..

Stood up early morning. Went to temple with dad and mom(I am a good boy, when i am in home :-P ). Had a special breakfast prepared by mom with friends and relatives. After a bit of chit chat with my friends, had the special lunch prepared by mom with relatives. Went to RA.ONE matinee show with my friends(though the movie was horrible, enjoyed the time with my sweet friends). Meanwhile, replying for the wishes through sms, calls, mails and FACEBOOK( i love u dal FB, muaah)..

Almost everyone wished me whom i expected to wish me. Thank you god for remembering them of my birthday. Few unexpected wishes surprised me. Special Thanks for them. Few expected calls didnt reach me( ha ha...people tend to forget things very easily)

I am also angry on few VIPs  who wished me late night ( I will keep in this mind and will get back to u with a strong one).

A bit of strange feeling still remains in my heart. A year with lots of responsibilities is ahead. Little bit scary, though happy to welcome it (Evalavo pannitom, itha panna mattoma).
Wish me success for the year ahead. I once again thank everyone who wished me on this wonderful occasion...Thank u so much :)-)-) 

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