What Should Be The Marketing Budget For A Small Business? [Infographic]

Startup Infographic | Small Business Infographic
As a founder of a start-up, you might think it's little difficult to get the word out about your business. From my experience of talking with over 100 entrepreneurs, it has always been a road block for several of them to set aside a budget for marketing. This could be because of the misconception, the spend on Marketing in initial stage of a business might not bring in the desired returns just like the efforts put towards sales. 

However that's not an excuse. One need to go overboard or do some gimmicks, to achieve the desired outcome but just follow the proven techniques and tips by successful entrepreneurs to help expand the reach around your business. This infographic by Coastal creative will take you through how should a small business go about setting up a marketing budget. 

What Should Your Budget be for Your Small Business? - An Infographic from BestInfographics.co
Embedded from BestInfographics.co

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